
Monday, December 2, 2019

here is my pepeha, which i have completed it at day 1 activity 2
(for the teaser week)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Friday, August 30, 2019


WALT say the lords prayer in Te Reo Maori

E to matou Matua i te rangi
Kia tapu tou ingoa 
Kia tae mai tou rangatiratanga
Kia meatia tau e pai ai 
Ki runga i te whenua 
Ka rite ano ki to te rangi 
Homai Ki a matau mo tenei ra
Murua o matou e Kawea Ki whaka-waia
Engari whakaorangia matou i te kino
Nou hoki te rangatiratanga 
Te kaha,
Me te kororia,
Aka, aka, aka,


Thursday, August 22, 2019


WALT: use a rubric to mark a piece of writing
Success criteria: I will use the rubric to mark then write why I give it the point
I will add the total of points and add a level.

In Tautoro School  we have so many new students who have enrolled in our school. Because of the new enrolments every time we have a  powhiri or assembly we always get squashed, and we feel really uncomfortable. So the facility that is needed in Tautoro School is a new hall.
Why do we need a hall?

First a  hall is needed by Tautoro School because when we have new students enrolling in our school, and every new child needs a powhiri.  There are more students enrolling into our school every week and we are feeling really squashed in our small library.  If we had a hall our manuhiri would feel more comfortable and they would be able to shake everybody's hands without pushing past students and then they would feel very welcomed, comfortable and feel more relaxed.

Secondly: if we had a community hall we would also be able to play sports inside.   If it was raining or if it became too hot.  Then we wouldn't be missing out on our fitness and fitness makes you feel good and it exercises your brain. And this would help students to concentrate more in class.

Another reason why we need a hall is so that we could get a kitchen built in the hall then we would be able to have technology at our school instead of travelling to town to use another school's kitchen.  We would be able to learn how to cook and bake and then we would be able to help our whanau cook and bake at home.

Last of all we need a hall because our community would be able to use the hall in the weekend which will bring all our local communities together for meetings or gala days.

In conclusion, I strongly believe we need a community hall at our school because our  Tautoro school community is growing every week with new students enrolling into our school. It is important that we have a new hall so that we won't be squashed and then we would feel comfortable and then we would listen better because we would all feel relaxed. If we don't have a hall we will always feel squashed and we will not have enough room in our teeny library for new students.

Score   Reasons why you have given this mark

5 They have lots of ideas that connect to the topic and each idea is supported by extra information

Structure Language
5 The writing is structured and well,

5 The  ideas are organised into  paragraphs

4 can write a lot of simple words and some extra words to add detail

Sentence Structure
4 They are  beginning to write sentences of different lengths

2 The writer is  starting to use capital letters

4 I spell lots of Essentials words correctly

29  3A

Friday, August 2, 2019


We have been learning about Ihumatao and the land issue.
We had to choose a side: 
Maori or Settlers and write how it would of been at the time.
Here is mine: 

Get off this land it’s mine now! I screamed.
 I stood staring at them, I could feel my eyes squinting and my
cheeks blushing.
 You don’t deserve this land  I thought. 
I stared around slowly. Groups of people were having a
meeting, trying to make a plan. 
I could hear shouting and yelling.
I could smell the Maori’s blood.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

Opononi beach

WALT use the correct structure for a recount
Success Criteria:
I will have a title
I will have an orientation(who,what,where,when,how,)
I will have a personal comment
Opononi beach
On the first day of the holidays. ‘’Hurry up brush your hair’’ my mum yelled at my sister, I walked to the table because  the hair brush was there, I grabbed the hair brush and sat down on a hard green chair. I started to brush my hair. Mum called my uncle on her phone.  I was done brushing my hair. ‘’Hey uncle is here’’ I said to mum. My Mum said ‘’open the door’’  I went to open the door to lets go to ‘’Opononi beach now’’ I said. Mum and dad came so we hopped inside the car, our uncle drove us to Opononi beach.

When we were there our uncle made some burger’s we went to a wooden bench,  and ate our burgers. They were delicious. After that we were thinking of going on a boat. My mum said ‘’let’s go on a boat’’ our uncle said ‘’yes’’ we went on a pretty big boat, it  was so fun.
 After that we went back to our car and uncle drove               us back, we had 8 chicken nuggets for dinner it was so yum we ate  it all, our uncle went back home.
Then we decided to play  a game called donkeys I went on my sisters back on the bed it  was so funny she was acting like a real donkey she went on my back and she was heavy, I fell flat on the bed, then we went to the bed and slept .       

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

26 march 2019
The treaty hut

I really like the part when the girls said Let’s make
our rules for the hut. The boys argued about the treaty hut.
After awhile they signed the treaty.

Before everyone signed the treaty the girls wrote the rules on the paper.

                                                By Harleen.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019